Friday, May 4, 2007

Welcome to Anti Justin Timberlake Blog !

Welcome everybody who hates Justin Timberlake ! Today , Freddy suggested me and Mary-Ann to create a blog or website exclusively dedicated to our pure hate for Ms. Justin Timberlake , who we usually call 'Juju' . So, prove us that more than 3 people in this world hate Justin by leaving your comment and visiting the blog . Remember that we also hate him , and we want this blog to be a place where all Juju's haters can express their feelings about him .
Now , I should introduce ourselves : I must say that all of us , contributors of this brand new blog , are fans of the british singer Robbie Williams . In my opinion , it's common that most of Robbie's fans are Justin's haters . Maybe because Juju is hardly trying to have the same fame as Robbie . A truly copycat . Me and Mary-Ann have an other blog , wrote in Portuguese , that we want to be visited by you ! Here's the link :
Let Robbie Williams Entertain You Blog . If you are Portuguese and you like Robbie Williams , there is no doubt that you'll like it ! We are all from Portugal .. but we don't know each other ! LOL ! We write this blog in English , so everybody can understand us easily , that's the main reason about the language . But we are thinking about translating it to Portuguese as well . I think that's all , but if you have more questions , don't hesitate and ask us !
We hope you have a good time here !


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I have just come across this blogg and I think it's very well done and a very good idea.
I met Freddy74 last year and think she is a very fine person ;)
I hope this blogg is a success and get's lots of visits and good, healthy comments.
I look forward to seeing you again sometime, Freddy.
Hugs 'n kisses
CIAO for now.


Freddy74 said...

People around the world who hate juju (it's almost everybody but whatever...) share your thoughts about juju with us! say everything u want about him. We all hate him. Juju is a freakyGay little boy that has a gay voice and gay movements...he thinks he is the best in the world, but he is not! And we are all here together to show that to him!

nojuju said...

finaly...a blog we can say (bad) things about this...thing. i realy hate this guy. all he CAN do is brag about things that he don't do.
he must be GAY, whith that dancing he must be. COPYCAT. LOSER. I HATE YOU

nojuju said...

finaly...a blog we can say (bad) things about this...thing. i realy hate this guy. all he CAN do is brag about things that he don't do.
he must be GAY, whith that dancing he must be. COPYCAT. LOSER. I HATE YOU

Anonymous said...

i'm portuguese and i love robbie williams but i have better things to do that hate Justin Timbarlake.If i were you i'd put my energy on something useful instead of hating Timbarlake for the simple reason that's he's a bigger issue than Robbie right now.That's called "dor de cotovelo" where i come from..GET A LIFE!!!!!!

signed : you know who i am...

Anonymous said...

aaaaaaaah est taum parecido..
oarece um autentico travesti..looooooooool